**Closure/Delay Information 1/17: Abbeville Area Rehab & Wellness open 10:30am; Healthcare Center & DWFM -open 12:00noon for Respiratory Patients ONLY;   Abbeville Urology – Closed; No COVID-19 Mobile Testing Clinic**

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Abbeville Area Medical Center and Abbeville YMCA To End Partnership Agreement

Abbeville Area Medical Center and Abbeville YMCA To End Partnership Agreement

(Abbeville, SC, May 8, 2023) – Abbeville Area Medical Center (AAMC) and the Abbeville YMCA announced today they have decided to end the partnership agreement that allowed the YMCA to lease the hospital’s Wellness Center space.  The Abbeville Y location will officially close to members on Friday, June 9th.  The closure will not impact the Y’s afterschool or child development programming at Westwood Elementary and Long Cane Primary.

“After careful consideration and discussion with YMCA leadership, we have come to the mutual decision to end our lease agreement,” stated Rod Boula, AAMC Interim CEO.  “This decision was not taken lightly, and both organizations remain committed to the health and wellbeing of the Abbeville community.”

AAMC and the YMCA entered into the multi-year lease in March 2022.

The decision to end the agreement was two-fold.  According to the Abbeville YMCA, the leased facility did not perform as projected during its first full year of operation and its current membership was not sufficient to sustain the facility long-term.  Abbeville Area Medical Center’s rehabilitation services, which shares the building with the Y, have grown over the last year and are in need of additional space.

“We have enjoyed working with the Abbeville Y and look forward to continuing our relationship through collaborations that will improve the health of the communities we both serve,” stated Boula.  “We did not expect our rehabilitation services to see such significant growth in such a short period of time, so the timing of this decision was mutually beneficial.”

AAMC will renovate the former Wellness Center, using it to expand their current rehabilitation program and to provide space for several new services planned to be implemented later this year.

Abbeville Y members can continue their membership at any Lakelands YMCA location at their current rate through the end of 2023.  Beginning January 1, 2024, memberships will transition to the Greenwood Y rate.  Members who have paid in advance may request a prorated refund or continue their membership.  Y staff will be reaching out to members via phone to discuss options.

“Each of us at the YMCA are appreciative of the support we received from the team at AAMC while we served Abbeville County residents within the Wellness Center,” stated Brian Harlan, CEO, Lakelands Region YMCA.  “Both of our organizations desire to make Abbeville a Healthier Community and it is exciting to learn AAMC is growing.  The YMCA looks forward to continuing to serve our members at the Greenwood location on Calhoun Road and the Uptown location on Pressley Avenue.”

Contact 864-366-8439 or email info@abbevilleymca.org for more information.

Giving Tuesday

💙 GIVE Thanks, GIVE Care, GIVE Hope! AAMC is grateful for the opportunity to GIVE thanks for the many blessings surrounding us.   🏥 Our

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