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Pricing Transparency

What is Price Transparency?

People deserve meaningful information about the price of their hospital care. Price transparency is an effort to make the necessary information available and easy to understand to help consumers compare provider costs and anticipate their own expenses. Abbeville Area Medical Center is committed to sharing information that will help you make important decisions about your health care plans. Please contact our facility at (864) 366-5011 and ask for the Billing Office for information about your bill or for an estimate of care that you may require, based on the specific services ordered by your doctor. You may also find information by clicking on the Cost Estimator Tool button below.

What We Charge…

For several years, we have participated in the South Carolina Hospital Association’s PricePoint program which lists hospital charges for inpatient, outpatient and emergency department services. This report provides the public average charges that best compare to the amounts on the bill you will receive from us. This program also allows users the opportunity to compare our prices side-by-side with others in the state. 

How do I estimate the amount that I will be required to pay?

Unfortunately, understanding what you will have to pay for healthcare services is very complicated. Unlike most bills you receive, it is very difficult to determine exactly what you will have to pay for an item or service. It is even hard for your hospital to estimate cost prior to your care what you may be billed as every patient’s care is different and determined after you are admitted. To further complicate matters, we are most often not aware of the agreement you have with your insurer. This agreement of coverage defines your personal out-of-pocket responsibility. The amount of money you will be responsible for personally is generally determined by your insurance coverage or managed care company, not by the hospital. These amounts are determined directly by your contract with your insurer. Also, all doctors, hospitals or services may not be covered by your plan. Unfortunately, we do not have this information available to us before you receive care from our hospital. The best source of information about what you will have to pay will come from your insurance company as they are already aware of what services are covered and who they will pay to deliver the care, and the amount for which they will hold you responsible.

To assist with estimating your charges for a procedure at Abbeville Area Medical Center you may to use our cost estimator tool. While the estimator tool does not include every procedure the organization offers there are over 300 charges available. The estimator tool was designed to meet the requirements as outlined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Clarification on the CMS requirements is provided at www.cms.gov/hospital-price-transparency.

Medicare and Medicaid pay hospitals according to a set fee schedule. It represents a discount from a hospital’s billed charges. Numerous factors, such as co-insurance and deductibles affect your own financial responsibility. A summary of Medicare patient payment requirements is provided at Medicare.gov.

If you have no insurance coverage at all, our hospital provides discounts and needs-based payment assistance. Please review our policy (AAMC Policy Charity Care PDF document) and complete an application (Charity Application PDF) if you feel you may quality for this support. Our staff is here to help you determine the assistance for which you may qualify and can also help create affordable payment plans for any balances you may have.

During your stay, you may receive services from individuals or companies not employed or owned by our hospital. As an example, statute requires that a licensed radiologist review your radiology exams and advise your physician of their findings. These radiologists are often not employed by our facility; therefore, you will receive a bill directly from their office for their services and these charges will not be included in your bill from our hospital. Even if our hospital is in your insurer’s network, it is possible that individual doctors or other providers are out-of-network. Each of these providers contract with insurance companies directly, apart from our hospital’s contracts. Because of this, it is possible that your insurance discounts will not apply to their charges. Our hospital is not aware of these private contracts between the physician and your insurance company. Your insurance carrier can also inform you which providers are in-network on your plan and will be able to provide estimations of their coverage for these services.

It is our goal to make you aware of any charges that will be billed to you separately by other providers. If your doctor orders services such as radiology testing, lab testing, physical therapy or any service that may require a specifically trained individual, feel free to ask our staff for assistance in determining what it will cost.

The information on this page is intended to meet the requirements of The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services final inpatient prospective payment system, or IPPS, rule number 45CFR 180.50 for federal fiscal year 2021. The IPPS rule contains a transparency provision that will be effective January 1, 2021.  The prices included on this website may not reflect the most current charge items or charge amounts of this facility as additions and changes are frequently made to the listing. Therefore, these charges may not be representative of the charges you will receive on your bill for services provided by our facility.  CMS requires that hospitals update the charge transparency data at least annually. This data was last updated November 30, 2020.

The detailed chargemaster information on this site is intended only to meet federal requirements and for informational purposes only and should not be used solely when making healthcare decisions.

The information on this page contains only charges on Abbeville Area Medical Center’s chargemaster and may not include all related charges for physician office fees, clinic charges, radiologists, pathologists and other services provided in conjunction with our hospital services.