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AAMC to Host Free COVID-19 Mobile Testing Clinic

Abbeville Area Medical Center has partnered with SC DHEC to host a free COVID-19 mobile testing event. It will take place at Long Cane Primary School located at 815 East Greenwood Street on Thursday, June 4th from 8:30am – 5:00pm.

“We had been receiving calls with questions regarding the safety of opening churches as well as attending graduations and other large events,” stated Dr. Trey Moore, family medicine physician at the Healthcare Center. “We felt that hosting a mobile event open to anyone who wanted to be tested would help us gather important data about our community and COVID-19’s impact.”

The test is open to anyone no matter where they live, even if no symptoms are present. The person being tested pulls up, fills out some brief paperwork and gets swabbed without leaving their car. Results will be received within 48-72 hours.
If you have questions about the mobile testing event, please call AAMC’s COVID-19 hotline at (864) 366-1770.

Giving Tuesday

💙 GIVE Thanks, GIVE Care, GIVE Hope! AAMC is grateful for the opportunity to GIVE thanks for the many blessings surrounding us.   🏥 Our

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